CNC Machine Lethe

Numerical Control / NC (meaning "numerical control") is a machine tool automation systems operated by the programmed commands and stored in storage abstark mediated, it is contrary to previous practice where machine tools are usually controlled by hand or simple round of automation using the cam. NC word itself is an acronym in English from the word for Numerical Control Numerical Control. The first NC machines were first discovered in the 40s and 50s, by modifying the ordinary machine tools. In this case, ordinary machine tools are added to the motor that will move the controller to follow the points included in the system with recording paper. Servo motor and engine combination mechanical system be replaced with analog and digital computers, creating a modern tool machines called CNC (computer numerical control), which then has revolutionized the design process.
Currently, CNC machines have a very close relationship with CAD programs. CNC machines are built to meet the challenges in the world of modern manufacturing. With CNC machining, precision of a product can be guaranteed up to 1 / 100 mm, the working of a mass product with the same results and exact time of fast machines.
NC / CNC consists of three main parts:
1. Program
2. Control Unit / Processor
3. Servo electric motor to drive the chisel control
4. Electric motor to move / rotate the tool
5. Chisel
6. Stand and holder